Monday, July 21, 2008

Preception is not Passive, it is an Act of Creation

When you look at life do you see it as a passive experience or as a creative experience. Your perception of what is, is your belief system interpreting what you perceive and through that interpretations comes the creation of reality.

In other words, how you perceive things is actually how they are created. Isn't that what all of our mentors are constantly telling us? That to change our reality we have to change our perception of how we see things.

Maybe I am misunderstanding something here. Maybe what they actually said was that our perception is actually passive and the outside world is actually what creates our experiences.

Na, that just isn't how it works and we all know that isn't correct. It isn't, what you see is what you get. It is what you perceive is what you get.

One of the individuals in one of my online mastermind groups was talking about her son. He is having trouble with math and can't seem to get his grades up. In one of the mentoring programs she is doing the second lesson was about creating reality statements to weed out old non-supportive beliefs and install new supportive beliefs.

She got her son to start creating a reality statement. He told her that he just couldn't write a statement to the effect that he was good at math when he knew that he wasn't good at it.

Let's take a closer look at this particular situation. The son believes that he isn't good at math. In school he gets grades that support that belief.

He also believes that he shouldn't lie so therefore he doesn't want to create a reality statement that says that he is good at math when he knows full well that he isn't.

This is the ego's way of maintaining the status quo. To the ego this young man is comfortable where he is with math even though the young man knows that he should be getting better grades.

The ego mind is all about being comfortable where it is because being uncomfortable is an indication of a non-survival situation to the ego. Being comfortable is an indication of continued survival and the ego is all about survival.

Since we know that our belief system dictates how we perceive things and that how we perceive things dictates the results in our lives, it is to our betterment to preceive things as we want them to be in our lives.

With this understanding in mind then the only way to change our belief system and therefore change how we perceive things and the results in our lives, we have to remove our non-supportive beliefs and install supportive beliefs. We can't do this if we listen to the ego mind when it says that the supportive belief we want to install is a lie.

You have to understand that nothing is a lie or truth except in how we perceive it. Now I can hear many of you na saying and sputtering about that statement right now, while I am writing this article.

So let me explain just a little.

You see we receive millions of bits of informational stimuli from the outside world every second. Our analytical mind cannot distill all that information as fast as it comes in. Since it can't analyze all that information a filtering system was created to filter out that which the filter system determined unnecessary and deliver only that which is needed to make decisions.

What our analytical mind receives to analyze is only several thousand bits of information per second and not the millions that are entering. Therefore this information is selective to our internal belief system.

The next question is, What is our internal belief system? It is our ego mind. That is what filters the information entering the analytical mind.

Our belief system or habits is what composes our ego. Our ego filters out all information that contradicts our beliefs and allows through that which supports our beliefs. The ego knows this is the highest form of survival because it knows that you can never be wrong and does all in it's power to constantly make you right.

Now if this makes any kind of since to you at all, then you have some small understanding of why we have to use those beliefs that support what we intend to have in or get out of life. Therefore when the young man writes a reality statement that says that he is fantastic in math, that is just as true as when he says that he sucks in math.

The only difference is that one is his present reality because he believes it so and the other is his future reality if he installs the supportive belief.

Which one give the young man a supportive belief? Which one should he believe? Which one is true?

Life is a game we all play whether we believe it is or believe it isn't. Play it in a manner that supports what you want out of live.

Sim Garner

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